You know you have a Bullterrier IF....


10 Jahre Mitglied
You know you have a Bullterrier IF....

A big part of your day is exhausting the dog.
Your car looks like you smuggle polar bears in it.
Your yard looks like you live in a wood chip factory.
You have considered buying a new couch just for yourself and not the dog.
At least once after washing your dog you have considered medical attention.
You have an umbrella just for the dog.
You could have learned two foreign languages in the time you have spent looking at pictures of Bull Terriers on line.
You often think: "I just vacuumed / Hoovered that."
They last time you had a meal in peace was 5 years ago.
Playing with your dog is like training for the World's Strongest Man competition.
You have had to rearrange your furniture after playing in the house.
You have been woken up by your dog moving your bed.
You have said over and over "this is not a Pit Bull".
You are an expert at tug-of-war.
Your living room floor looks like a horror movie for stuffed animals.
You are "special".
You go to grocery store and look down and realise you look like a stuffed animal the amount of hair your covered in!
You have to explain the dent in the wall of the hallway was caused by the dog.
You are constantly surprised that people think your nine year old dog is a puppy because she still bounces.
Strangers stop their car in the middle of the road to ask you "what kind of dog is that?"
You're talking about them in conversation, and the person replies with- wait this whole time you have been talking about a dog? I thought you were talking about a child!
Get a big smile but shiver inside when you hear the word hucklebutt
You KNOW what hucklebutt means
You pray before walking in thru your front door every day after work
You compare dog height to counter height often
You keeps your bagels in the linen closet
You consider buying a stroller for walks……because you're tired of carrying them 1/2 of the way
You hear " Is that Spuds McKenzie?You hear "Is that Chico from Next Friday?"You hear "Is that General Patton's dog?"You hear "Is that the Target Dog?"
You also keep saying "he normally isn't like this" every time somebody comes over or somebody tries to pet him or...................
You laugh like a mad person when they say, "He seems like a really mellow dog."
When asked if your dog is well behaved you answer w/ a question, "What do you consider well behaved?"
you catch yourself saying a"Sorry about any damages"

...You find a fat little bottom sitting on your foot or even just one paw placed on your foot find yourself pushed off the bed or any comfortable spot, to make room for Her Royal Highness feel a gentle little prod with the snout against your leg to remind you it's time to go walkies, to be fed, to be played with or just to say i'm still here looking after you...etc etc. see people crossing the street when they see you coming to rather walk on the other side of the road see mothers grabbing onto their children nervously when they see you coming feel the breaks slam on when you try to get your bully to step through a puddle of water or even get them out the door when it's raining hear the gentle snoring noises, but when you look, it's actually staring at you with its eyes wide open
You find yourself taking walks in the dark so none of the neighbors see you arguing when your bully lays down in the street and decides walk time is over.
Whenever you receive a compliment on your dog, you respond with "They're a handful" instead of "Thanks"
You often wonder, "Is this really a dog?"
When you get up in the morning, you turn around and your dog is right where you were laying in bed, snoring.
When someone asks to pet your bully (on the rare occasion), you prepare yourself to tackle your dog to the ground if it decides to jump up on them.
When you hear/see another dog within the general vicinity, you simply pick your dog up to avoid a scene and walk the opposite direction...

Despite all the complaining you do about your bully, you'd get another one at the drop of a hat.

(From the members of the Flickr English Bull Terrier Group)
  • 3. Mai 2024
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Hi Crabat ... hast du hier schon mal geguckt?
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#VerdientProvisionen | Als Amazon-Partner verdiene ich an qualifizierten Verkäufen.
Leider ist mein Englisch nicht ganz so dolle. Etwas von diesem Text verstehe ich, aber leider nicht alles.

Das was ich verstehe ist klasse :lol:

Kann das bitte jemand für mich (und all diejenigen, die des Englischen auch nicht so mächtig sind) übersetzen?

Bidddde :D
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